Boys are puppies 🐶


My son is 12 years old, and I often think “he is a little puppy”

Whenever he does something naughty, which is very often, I tell him off “Don’t do that💢”

He gives me that guilty look for a little, but 5 minutes later, he will come to me wriggling his tail.

“Attention please💕”

This cuteness is very special. You don’t see so much in girls – they are sweet in a different way – more like a candy floss.

I see my son’s friends, and many of them are again like puppies. Yes, there are sometimes exception, but not that many at least with his friends. They are all wriggling their tails, and get very happy whenever I give them food😀

12 years old boys are still puppies.

Until when??? I wonder.

I always wanted to have a dog. That was my childhood dream.

Finally, it has come true….well, not exactly, but close enough😉

Thank you my little boy!

My happy samurai life in London💫


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