
Hello! After posting my first blog, I realised that I forgot to introduce myself 💦

My name is Hinata Kasuga. I have been living in London, UK, for 20+ years, but I’m originally from Japan (yes, born & grew up there🇯🇵)

I’m a mother of two children – one is a teenager & the other almost a teenager. I’m a full time mother.

In Japan, we categorise our age group to around 30, around 40, around 50etc. Not really sure why… this is a recent phenomenon.

Anyway, I’m in my late 40s so I fall into the around 50 category. I decided to put myself into this category from my last birthday & I actually like it❤️

Around 50 is a nice age group. My children are growing up, so I can start to think about where I want to take my life to from here. I still have fun with my kids when they are not grumpy, but I need to start planting seeds for my future as well🌸

I want to think about how to spark my life even more from now✨ I’m hoping to go back to work in another 2-3 years once my kids are just a bit older, but I wanted to start something new now. So I decided to start writing a blog😀

I write about motherhood, fashion, family, friends, travelling (especially to Japan!), sports, hobby etc. Anything to spark my life 🌟

Why am I ‘Samurai Hinata’? My father used to say to me & my bother “Your ancestors are Samurai, so be proud of yourselves!!”

Behind his back, we used to laugh and say “I bet they were just farmers. He is just lying!” I still don’t know the truth, but I decided to give myself Samurai name 😉

Have a lovely weekend!


Please excuse any grammatical mistakes. English is not my first language😉